Andy Lunt & Ted Brown
Tools to Change Church Culture
Foreword to the Book
“Church leaders are searching for ways to address a situation unlike what they have experienced in their lifetimes. After a relatively stable decade in the 1990s, a major downward trend in attendance began in 2002 and continues today.
The pandemic cannot be blamed for all of today’s challenges. As disruptive as it was, it merely exacerbated and accelerated trends underway for years and even decades. For example, even as church statistics appeared stable in the 1990s, a new phenomenon was emerging. It was in these years that the number of “nones” began to increase dramatically. Nones are those who claim no religious affiliation.
The vast majority of the new nones came from the younger generations. Since the young participate less in church life, their presence was not immediately noticeable in congregations. However, these nones have not followed the pattern of previous generations in becoming more religiously active as they grow older.
Therefore, the higher number of nones grows even larger. When this change is combined with the increasing age of church members, increasing costs of operation with fewer donors, and the deaths and disruption from the pandemic, no wonder church leaders feel ill-equipped for what they face today.
Andy Lunt and Ted Brown offer a rich resource for congregations and their leaders to engage today’s circumstances with confidence and hope. They build their work around three essential components of any lasting change.”
– Lovett H. Weems, Jr.

In some churches, burned out pastors and frustrated laypersons have tried to create change but have accomplished little. In other churches, change is thrust upon them and they have little idea how to lead and manage the change in a fruitful way. Meaningful and lasting change in congregations is best achieved when laity and pastors join as partners in the hard work of discerning and addressing the underlying culture that so often inhibits change but is often ignored. This book describes how to empower laity, achieve a Godly purpose & identity throughout the organization, increase the relevancy of the church within the community it serves, and provide healthy responses to barriers and resistance to change. The authors explore each of these processes and provide specific tools for each area to guide congregations to a more vibrant future. This is a book that can change your life and the life of your congregation.

About Andy
Since retiring in 2010 after 43 years in full-time ministry Andy Lunt has served as Director of Vibrant Communities for the Baltimore Washington United Methodist Conference, working to start new faith communities and help existing congregations to grow and be revitalized, and as dean of the Financial Leadership Academy sponsored by the Mid Atlantic United Methodist Foundation. Andy has a Ph.D. in communications from the Univ. or MD and for 15 years taught courses in preaching at Wesley Theological Seminary. He has been married for 57 years to Joan. They have two grown sons, two wonderful daughters-in-law and two grandchildren.

About TED
Ted is a retired executive from a large multi-national company, serving in executive management roles and consulting roles in strategy and improvement. He has been a coach/facilitator for twenty-five churches as part of the Mid-Atlantic United Methodist Foundation Financial Leadership Academy. He also helped two nonprofits in strategy development.
At Hockessin DE UMC, he held numerous leadership roles and led the culture change and reorganization of the church in 2001-03. In 2012, he started their small group ministry. He is a small group leader and men’s retreat leader at his current church in middle Tennessee and serves on its Intentional Discipleship Team.
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